Copy files from one partition to another is easy, but when there are too many files in different folders, this simple operation may be troublesome, not to mention the situation when you can not use the copy and paste function when an error happens on hard drives.
How to copy a logical hard drive?
When you have a new drive installed to replace the old one, the function Copy Volume in Partition Expert would be a great help. To use this function we can do the followings:
Note: You can also use this function to copy the boot drive or any other primary partition, but only data is copied, you cannot boot the copied partition by doing so.
Sometimes when you shut down the computer by force or accident, an error message says:
An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem Error 0x80071AC3: The operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty. Please run chkdsk and try again.
To solve this, we have two methods: one is to use the chkdsk command, the other is to try Partition Expert’s Check Volume function
Run CMD.exe as administrator and type the command:
chkdsk C:
Or check the official guide before starts.
Check Volume will fix found errors and try to fix found bad sectors, so if the Copy Volume function won’t work, you can to check the volume with the following step:
Note: Partition Expert now doesn't support copy dynamic disk to basic disk, the current version (v4.3.5).